

Allbridge Core fees can be divided into two distinct categories: fixed transaction fees which are not dependent on the transfer amount and value adjustment fees.

Relayer fee

To pay for the receiving transactions on the destination chain, the user pays a relayer fee. It is paid in the gas coin of the sending chain or stablecoin and is attached to the transaction the user submits. It does not depend on the transfer amount.

Value adjustments

These adjustments affect the final amount received by the user. They include:

  • Dollar value of the sending token, if more than 1 the amount will increase

  • Source chain liquidity provider fee, always 0.15% of the transfer amount

  • Dollar value of the receiving token, if more than 1 the amount will decrease

  • Destination chain liquidity provider fee, always 0.15% of the transfer amount

To summarize, the user always pays 0.3% to the liquidity providers, the rest is the token value fluctuations explained below.

Last updated

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